e-Governance Technologies and Services (IVCM), Cyber Security (IVGM) and Law&Technology (HJVM) master program students will be given thorough overview and knowhow to start a company that is based on Startup principles. Lectures will provide a theoretical basis for development of a business idea/model, and Hackathon enables practical output for students to act in a multinational teams creating a business.
The lectures of ideation, team building, service design/design thinking, business models and strategies, project management, financing mechanisms, marketing, cyber security threats and intellectual property issues will provide knowledge for successful development of new e-services or products in the field of e-governance.
Learning outcomes:
The participant:
- understands the concept of Start-ups and is able to implement its principles into entrepreneurial activities;
- as a team member is able to work under time-, information- and peer pressure constraints in an international and multi-cultural team with diverse experiences from different domains;
- creates a marketing research plan, defines marketing activities and conducts a short market research;
- defines and analyses the business idea of the e-service/product by using Business Model Canvas and SWOT table;
- refines the business idea up to a level of a visualized prototype and pitches it to potential investors.